Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

Welcome Hillary, bomb explosion in Pakistan

Peshawar, BERANDA - A bomb killed no less than 20 people and wounding more than 50 others, on Wednesday (28/10), a busy market area in the city of Peshawar, Pakistan, said a doctor and police.

The blast came just hours after Secretary of State United States Hillary Clinton arrived in Pakistan a promising new beginning in relations with its partners in the struggle facing the Taliban insurgents.

The bomb exploded in the street markets Peepal Mandi Peshawar's old city, which caused the burning of several buildings in that location.

Sahib Gul, a doctor at the city's main hospital said 20 bodies no less was taken to hospital along with more than 50 people injured.

"We receive 15 to 20 people were killed, including 12 women," he told Reuters.

Pakistan on high alert amid fears counter-attacks by Taliban insurgents while soldiers attacked their bases in South Waziristan on the Afghan border.

The attack came after a series of attacks on UN personnel, military headquarters, police and general public that killed more than 150 people.

There are several bomb attacks since the operation began.

Military launched an offensive on October 17 and said their movement progressed while the soldiers moved into the bases of guerrillas who have links with Al Qaeda in the forests and mountains are rocky.

Wednesday's explosion caused serious destruction of old houses and brick 0di settlements, the roads are crowded and narrow paths.

Several buildings and a mosque was badly damaged as fire swept a building, "said eyewitness Aqueel-ur-Rehman told Reuters from that location.

"I saw three bodies tergelatak under the rubble of the building," he said. (*)

READ MORE - Welcome Hillary, bomb explosion in Pakistan

Bone Explosion Equals 4 Hiroshima bomb

Lapan Finally Announce Triggers Explosion! After Confirmation Can International Institutions and the 11th Space Station! Asteroids Caused Falling to Earth

Makassar, BERANDA - Source huge explosion that shook the citizens of Bone, Sinjai, Wajo, until Kolaka in Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi), Thursday (8 / 10) and, finally officially revealed by the Institute of National Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN).

Astronomers from the Institute of Aviation and Space Agency (Lapan), Dr Thomas Djamaluddin, in Jakarta, Monday (27/10), mentioned, the source of the explosion is the effect of falling objects asrtonomi meteorites from the asteroid that exploded in the most basic layer of the earth atmospher of the Stratosphere ( 40 km from the earth) and troposphere (altitude of 10 km from the earth's surface).

Object small meteors and meteor termed this Bone diameter of about 10 square meters. While the magnitude meteors under 25 square meters Unidentified termed a meteorite.

"The explosion occurred due to atmospheric pressure causes the release of considerable energy, where the meteorite fall rate of about 20.3 km per second or 73,080 km per hour," said Thomas, who launch this identification after getting confirmation from space station 12.

Blast analysis showed that the explosive force of about 50 kilotons of TNT (Trinitrotoluene). Explosion signals also reach the high stratosphere more than 20 km.

With the power of 50 kilotons, if this explosion to the earth, the effects roughly almost four times the atomic bomb dropped on Allied troops two strategic cities of Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945.

Just to illustrate, the bomb nicknamed The Little Boy Atomic Bomb (August 6, 1945), as reported by wikipedia, exploding with energy force of 15 kilotons of TNT (ÿ 6.3 x 1013 Joules).

Reporting LAPAN findings after receiving official confirmation, almost three weeks after the incident.

Thomas is also known as an astronomer was mentioned, the results of an international monitoring system indetifikasi to ban nuclear testing from 11 monitoring stations in the other world, has detected a large explosion that centered around the latitude and longitude 4.5 LS 120 BT, around 11 : 00 wita on October 8.

But most asteroids that fell did not cause damage on Earth except for its diameter reaches more than 25 square meters.

According to Thomas, based on the estimated distribution of meteoroids, asteroids in the space near Earth, such objects have probably fallen on the earth every two to 12 years.

This LAPAN official information and answer some speculation that emerged about the explosion that triggers menhebohkan. Some witnesses claimed to had seen the object emits fire and smoke in the air. However, circulating information maze, most thought the explosion was an explosion of Sukhoi jet fighter (Sonic Boom) who is doing the exercise from his headquarters in the 11th Air Squadron Sultan Airbase Hassanuddin, Makassar.

While meteorology agency Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) IV Makassar had claimed to have been a small earthquake of 1.9 on the Richter scale (SR) on the surface at the border of Bone and Wajo, where in the region have Saddang Fault.

Other residents said the blast that could cause vibrations in the ground was caused by fish bombing carried out the local fishermen. But there are also people who have guessed that the object is a meteorite.

Supersonic jet engine explosion that created the sound reverberated like an explosion. Then accompanied by vibrations from the air waves. Waves of air that comes from pounding the body and engine thrust

Mystery of loud explosions had also associated with the practice's six military fighter plane the Air Force.

Lanud TNI Commander Sultan Hasanuddin Air Force, Air Marshal TNI First World Ida Bagus Putu said two Sukhoi aircraft flying in the exercise at an altitude of 10 to 30 thousand feet in the air. "But speed is not up to exceed the speed of sound," he said when reporters confirmed, a day after the incident.


Big explosion could make people jump out of the house and another wondered about the explosion.

The explosion also caused a deepening vibration makes people panic. Some students at SMAN 4 Watampone fainted from the sound blast.

One local teacher, Abidin, had photographed plumes of smoke in the sky after the explosion with a camera phone.

"Clumps of smoke right at the source of the explosion because previously seen a big spark," said Andi Hermanto, another eyewitness who was d Watampone SMAN 4.

Not only in school, teachers are forced to return all the students for fear that vibrations would cause an earthquake.

Panic residents very reasonable, because the sound is very loud explosion a few times and seen a puff of white smoke rising in the sky Bone. From the information compiled, just after the mysterious explosion in the village residents Pallime, Cenrana district adjoining the busy-busy sea fled to neighboring villages.

Likewise that occur in areas located near the shore as several existing village dikecamatan Riattang Tanete East, Kajuara, Sibulue, and Tonra.

Some witnesses thought that the explosion was a meteor that fell from the sky, causing a fairly loud explosion. "By Allah, I saw with my own eyes. At first I was shocked that such a flash of sun in the shadow of my clothes (white shirt), when he looked up, I look like a meteor that quickly enveloped in flames moving down after it disappeared and a cloud of smoke arose thick, "said Firdaus (29), resident of Jl Sukawati Watampone.

Meteor Issues

Issues that the four explosions that occurred in the bone caused by a kind of meteor stronger than the issues that the explosion caused by the aircraft crashed.

The reason, a member of Bone police who participated in the search for the source of the explosion because of suspected aircraft crashed a short message or a text message from her relatives in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.

A 10-year-old boy, son of Police named Briptu Agus Bone, also called her father for fear of seeing the fire in the sky.

Reporter who was covering the bone, get information from Briptu Agus, that her son called her crying because of fear of seeing a fire and explosion from the sky.

READ MORE - Bone Explosion Equals 4 Hiroshima bomb

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Mabuk, Terjebur ke Sungai, Tenggelam dan Tewas

Surabaya, Beranda - Sesosok mayat mengapung di kali brantas, Pataya, Jalan Kangean, Surabaya, Rabu (21/10/2009) pagi. Kondisi mayat yang memakai kaos warna coklat dan celana warna biru dongker ini sudah membusuk. Diduga mayat ini sudah 3 hari mengapung di kali.

Mayat tersebut diketahui bernama Slamet (35), tinggal di gubuk pinggiran Kali Brantas, Pataya. Setiap harinya, Slamet bekerja sebagai pemulung.

Tubuh Slamet ditemukan mengambang di Kali Brantas sekitar pukul 06.00 WIB oleh Zulfan Effendi, warga Kedinding Kidul. "Saat itu saya melintas di sekitar kali kok ada orang ngambang. Saya lalu memberitahu warga sekitar," katanya.

Tak lama warga lalu mendatangi lokasi untuk melihat dari dekat wajah mayat tersebut. "Dari wajahnya dia itu Slamet. Orangnya tinggal di sini. Kerjaannya pemulung," tuturnya.

Zulfan mengatakan, kalau Slamet sudah tak terlihat sejak 3 hari lalu. "Sudah tiga hari lalu saya gak melihat dia disini. Mungkin ya kecebur kali dan baru kali ini ngambang," terangnya.

Mengenai dugaan Slamet kecebur kali diduga karena mabuk. "Meski kerjanya pemulung, tapi orang ini setiap hari mabuk. Kalau mabuk ya di tepi kali. Setelah itu tidur. Nah mungkin saat tidur itu, dia kecemplung kali dan baru kali ini ngambang," tuturnya.

Selanjutnya kejadian ini dilaporkan ke Polsek Tambaksari dan Polres Surabaya Timur. Tak lama, mayat Slamet dievakuasi ke kamar jenazah RSU Dr Soetomo untuk diotopsi.
[roz/kun] inilah.com

READ MORE - Mabuk, Terjebur ke Sungai, Tenggelam dan Tewas

Contoh Pejabat Antikorupsi

SETELAH proyek multimiliar dollar selesai, sang dirjen kedatangan tamu bule, wakil dari kantor pusat pemenang tender. Bule itu sudah tujuh tahun di Jakarta, jadi bisa cakap berbahasa Indonesia.

"Pak, ada hadiah dari kami untuk Bapak. Saya parkir di bawah Mercy S320," kata bule itu.

"Anda mau menyuap saya? ini apa-apaan? tender dah kelar kok. jangan gitu ya, bahaya tau haree genee ngasih-ngasih hadiah," sang dirjen mencoba mengelak.

"Tolonglah, Pak, diterima. Kalau tidak, saya dianggap gagal membina relasi oleh kantor pusat," pinta bule itu.

"Ah, jangan gitu, dong. Saya nggak sudi!!" katanya.

Si Bule itu berpikir lalu berkata, "Gini aja, Pak. Bagaimana kalau Bapak beli saja mobilnya."

"Mana saya ada uang beli mobil mahal gitu!!" kata dirjen.

Bule itu lalu menelepon kantor pusat. "Saya ada solusi, Pak. Bapak beli mobilnya dengan harga Rp10.000 saja."

"Bener ya? OK, saya mau. Jadi ini bukan suap. Pakai kwitansi, ya."

"Tentu, Pak."

Bule menyiapkan dan menyerahkan kwitansi. Dirjen itu membayar dengan uang Rp50.000. Mereka pun bersalaman.

Bule itu lalu mengambil dompet sambil berkata, "Oh, maaf, Pak. Ini kembaliannya Rp.40.000."

"Nggak usah pakai kembalian segala. Tolong kirim empat mobil lagi ke rumah saya, ya...."

Bule : @#$%^&** (inilah.com)
READ MORE - Contoh Pejabat Antikorupsi

Pelepas Pembalut Otomatis

Seorang pria dlm pesawat terbang tiba2 mau buang air. Tapi tiap ia ke toilet, selalu saja terisi
Seorang pramugari melihat keadaan ini, ia lalu menganjurkan utk menggunakan toilet wanita dgn catatan tdk boleh menekan tombol2 yg ada di toilet tsb.
Masuklah pria tadi ke dalam toilet wanita yg kosong
Ternyata tombol2 itu memang ada didekat tempat tissue
Ada 4 tombol dan tertulis huruf :

Karena penasaran, pria tadi mencoba untuk menekan tombol2 itu
Dgn hati2 ia menekan tombol WW dan seketika air hangat menyemprot pantatnya Dalam hati ia berkata, "Oh.. rupanya tombol ini berarti WARM WATER (air hangat) untuk cebok, Wah enak ya perempuan kalau ke toilet"

Masih penasaran, lalu ia menekan tombol WA, dan seketika bertiuplah udara hangat (WARM AIR) untuk mengeringkan pantatnya yg basah. Ia berpikir, "Tidak heran kalau perempuan betah berlama-lama didalam toilet dgn pelayanan seperti ini.........!!".

Lalu ia menekan tombol PP dgn sangat berhati2 sambil meng-antisipasi kemungkinan yang akan terjadi. Sebuah bantalan bedak (POWDER PUFF) keluar dari samping lalu membedaki pantatnya yang sudah kering dengan bedak halus. "Oh man...... this is great...... sangat hebat pelayanan seperti ini!", katanya dlm hati.

Dengan tidak sabar karena ingin menikmati pelayanan lainnya yg sudah ia bayangkan so pasti sangat menyenangkan karena merupakan tombol terakhir, ia segera menekan tombol "ATR"........... !!!

Tahu2 ia bangun tersadar di kamar rumah sakit dan ditangannya menempel selang infus.. ia sangat heran, lalu ia bertanya pada perawat yang sedang bertugas.. ia menerangkan bahwa yang ia ingat adalah ia sedang berada dalam toilet wanita di pesawat.

Sang perawat kemudian menjelaskan, "Ya.. anda pasti sedang menikmati pelayanan di pesawat yang ditujukan untuk wanita.. sampai anda menekan tombol ATR yang artinya adalah AUTOMATIC TAMPON REMOVAL (Pelepas Pembalut Otomatis).. dan anda pun pingsan karena buah zakar anda tertarik oleh alat itu....... (*abu bakar (redaksi@ymail.com)
READ MORE - Pelepas Pembalut Otomatis

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Korban Jiwa Menjadi 807 Orang

Beranda - Jumlah korban jiwa akibat gempa 7,9 skala Richter yang mengguncang Sumatera Barat, Rabu 30 September 2009 terus bertambah. Korban jiwa kini mencapai 807 orang.

Menurut data Satuan Koordinasi Pelaksanaan Penanggulangan Bencana Sumbar, hingga Sabtu 10 Oktober 2009 pukul 20.00 WIB, jumlah korban terbanyak berada di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, yakni 359 orang.

Di Padang, bencana gempa mengakibatkan 314 orang meninggal karena terhimpit runtuhan gedung.

Sementara itu, di Kabupaten Agam, korban meninggal tercatat 80 orang, Kota Pariaman (37 orang), Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan (9 orang), Kota Solok (3 orang), Kabupaten Pasaman Barat (3 orang), dan Kabupaten Solok (2 orang).

Jumlah korban hilang tercatat mencapai 241 orang. Korban hilang terbanyak berada di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, yakni 237 orang. Sedangkan korban hilang di Padang tercatat empat orang.

Jumlah korban luka berat 891 orang dan terbanyak di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman yang mencapai 527 orang. Jumlah korban luka ringan mencapai 1.365 orang. Sebanyak 410 orang tercatat mengungsi di tenda-tenda darurat.

Rumah warga yang mengalami rusak berat hingga hari ini tercatat sebanyak 135.100 unit. Jumlah terbanyak berada di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman dengan total rumah warga yang roboh mencapai 70.988 unit.

Total kerugian dari infrastruktur pemerintah dan rumah warga akibat gempa bumi tercatat sebesar Rp 2,1 triliun. (vivanews)

READ MORE - Korban Jiwa Menjadi 807 Orang